
Showing posts from March, 2022


 FLOOR PLAN AND ITS BENEFITS The floor plan is nothing more than an architectural description of the layout of the house. It is extensively designed and provides a home view from above, giving the viewer a better idea of the spaces, dimensions, traffic patterns through the house, and connections between other features. Often, it refers to the placement of furniture, accessories and other items arranged in each room. Floor plan designs for two-store homes include drawings for each level of the home; The two-store house has different plans for the ground floor and first floor.  The primary purpose of preparing a floor plan is to give the homeowner an idea of how the area will be used. Depending on the layout of the home and the visual representation of each room in it, the homeowner may request changes or additions to the features he or she needs in the room. HELP TO TURN IDEA INTO VISUALS Every homeowner has ideas for a dream home, but those ideas must be translated into pictures before


 SWOT ANALYSIS OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN INDIA Construction is the process of building and constructing objects, infrastructure, roads, organisations, homes and industrial facilities. Repair, maintenance and demolition also fall into the category of construction industry. Since the construction industry is a process that combines art and science, it involves mapping, designing, planning, financing, building, repair, maintenance, demolition and demolition. The construction industry is one of the major businesses. However, it contributes more than 10% to global GDP and provides employment to 7% of the world's population. Architectural infrastructure is the cornerstone to get us from one point to another. It would have been very difficult without it. In the construction company’s SWOT analysis, we discuss strengths and opportunities and how to use them to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities. STRENGHTS OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 1) Dynamic:  Construction companies do not build same ki